Sports Quotes

The Hulk Hogan character is one thing. But behind the scenes, I’m very passionate about the art form and keeping the dream alive.

People normally start their careers when they are 28, 30, we have already been through a career.

In tennis, every day you go out on the court and strive to reach your limits, and it’s difficult to find that emotional balance. You might have it physically, but sometimes emotionally it’s hard to, day after day, ask the best of you.

I was asked not long ago to tell something about the sports and pastimes that I engaged in during my youth. Until that question was asked it had never occurred to me that there was no period of my life that was devoted to play. From the time that I can remember anything, almost every […]

The name of the game in the playoffs is: run the ball and stop the run. On any given Sunday if you can run the ball, keep that clock moving, and score points, you’ll keep your defense off the field, nice and rested.

To the City of St. Louis, its fan base … I love you. Thanks for all the love. Thanks for embracing me and my team for 21 great years. We grew up there. I love you and I thank you.

What’s happening now is that we’re seeing a lot of young receivers coming out of college who don’t have technique. What I mean by that is they don’t know how to read a defense. If you don’t know how to read a defense, you’ll find yourself running through a zone at full speed when you’re […]

It’s one thing to have the gift, the ability and the talent. You need to put the work into it yourself, whether staring at video, starting early, preparation. You never take that for granted.

I feel I had a good career in high school and I felt like I could’ve been drafted a little higher, but it didn’t happen. So, I think carrying that chip on my shoulder knowing I want to prove these guys wrong helped me.

I don’t know what the future holds for me, but if I ever had that opportunity to manage or coach, I think I’d be interested. Why not?