Sports Quotes

Boxing is a poor man’s sport. It’s a sport that demands your outright respect. Most people look at boxing or any contact sport and say, “Wow, I couldn’t do that,” because they don’t possess the thing inside of us that makes us go through pain. It takes something to activate that. That’s what separates fighters […]

I’d like to thank the good Lord for making me a Yankee.

A ball player has to be kept hungry to become a big leaguer. That’s why no boy from a rich family has ever made the big leagues.

I was really embarrassed to let people know that I had asthma. I never wanted to use that as an excuse but I realised how much me letting people know, it gave so many people encouragement. Those that were sick they can’t do anything, but they realised I was doing all of these things despite […]

At the time I was coming up, there were girls doing sport, but it wasn’t as prevalent as it is today. The view was always that maybe you should go and cook—and that’s probably why I never learnt to cook.

If you have a goal it’s hard to stray off the path if you are committed. Growing up in East St. Louis, it was tough, but it helped prepare me for life.

I got older I began to realize the things that I was doing in my life at that point as I was older — things like swimming or sports or when I got a dog — that these were experiences that I could take and apply the mechanics and the system of a video game […]

The WWF was the place to be, still is the place to be. I think everybody should get that buzz feeling when they win it. Even though this is entertainment, it still means something. Winning it isn’t enough. It’s how you carry it. You’re representing the organization and all the fans, and yourself. Winning the […]

I’ve had some matches with Andre The Giant, which I’m still recovering from!

There’s a lot of potential there at NXT. It’s a situation where they have made this thing so real for the people that get involved. You go to some of these WWE shows and people are chanting ‘NXT!’ It’s really taken off.