Sin Quotes

The sins ye do by two and two, ye must pay for, one by one.

Be sure your sin will find you out. (Numbers 32:23)

Without knowledge there is no sin.

In Adam’s fall – We sinned all.

The person sins, then blames Satan for it.

Q. 782. What should one do who has only venial sins to confess? A. One who has only venial sins to confess should tell also some sin already confessed in his past life for which he knows he is truly sorry; because it is not easy to be truly sorry for slight sins and imperfections, […]

The best part of repentance is little sinning.

The wages of sin is death, but the fringe benefits are excellent.

The sinning is the best part of repentance.

If you do not want the fruits of sin stay out of the devil’s orchard.