Simple - Simplify Quotes

If I preach against the modern artificial life of sensual enjoyment, and ask men and women to go back to the simple life epitomized in the charkha, I do so because I know that without an intelligent return to simplicity, there is no escape from our descent to a state lower than brutality.

By two wings is man lifted above earthly things, even by simplicity and purity.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius Ð and a lot of courage Ð to move in the opposite direction.

If you took all the books in print on “simplicity” and placed them end to end, they’d probably reach Pluto. But you can pare it down to five simple words: “Get rid of clutter.”

Teach us delight in simple things, and mirth that has no bitter springs.

Great floods have flown From simple sources. (All’s Well That Ends Well)

The whole is simpler than the sum of its parts.

The noblest deeds are well enough set forth in simple language; emphasis spoils them.

No endeavor that is worthwhile is simple in prospect; if it is right, it will be simple in retrospect.

All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom; justice; honor; duty; mercy; hope.