That’s the way it is with poetry: When it is incomprehensible it seems profound, and when you understand it, it is only ridiculous.
Poetry Quotes
Indifference to poetry is one of the most conspicuous characteristics of the human race.
Vain was the chief’s, the sage’s pride! They had no poet, and they died.
Then, Sir, what is poetry? Why, Sir, it is much easier to say what it is not. We all know what light is; but it is not easy to tell what it is.
Poetry is the enemy of the poem.
Poetry is the sculpture of thought.
Everywhere I go I find that a poet has been there before me.
I had toward the poetic art a peculiar relation which was only practical after I had cherished in my mind for a long time a subject which possessed me, a model which inspired me, a predecessor who attracted me, until at length, after I had molded it in silence for years, something resulted which might […]
Nobody, I think, ought to read poetry, or look at pictures or statues, which cannot find a great deal more in them than the poet and artist has actually expressed.
Poetry gets a good deal of neglect. That’s probably good for it. It’s the same with all the arts. They get a good deal of neglect – adversity. Nobody knows just how much is good for the arts.