I must confess, I had often a titillation to poetry, but never durst venture on my muse, till I got her into a corner in the country; and then, like a bashful young lover, when I had her in private, I had courage to fumble, but never thought she would have produced anything; till at […]
Poetry Quotes
Such were the notes thy once loved poet sung, Till death untimely stopped his tuneful tongue. (to Robert, Earl of Oxford)
The fear of poetry is an indication that we are cut off from our own reality.
Poet How goes the world? Painter It wears, sir, as it grows. (Timon of Athens)
My subject is War, and the pity of War. The Poetry is in the pity.
Is there a parson much bemused in beer, A maudlin poetess, a rhyming peer, A clerk foredoomed his father’s soul to cross, Who pens a stanza when he should engross?
Poetry is the suggestion, by the imagination, of noble grounds for the noble emotions.
Poetry is not a way of saying things; it’s a way of seeing things.
Poetry is adolescence fermented and thus preserved.
Call, if you will, bad rhyming a disease, It gives men happiness, or leaves them ease.