My parents didn’t want to move to Florida, but they turned sixty, and that’s the law.
Places Quotes
When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said “let us pray.” We closed our eyes. When we opened them, we had the Bible and they had the land.
And it was clear that here (in Egypt)… the East began: in this chaos of uneconomical movement, the self-stimulated din, the sudden feeling of insecurity, the conviction that all men were not brothers and that luggage was in danger.
There’s place and means for every man alive. (All’s Well That Ends Well)
If it would not look too much like showing off, I would tell the reader where New Zealand is. For he is as I was: he thinks he knows.
The bus to Marrakesh, Morocco, Traverses landscapes simply socko The agricultural economy Suggests the book of Deuteronomy The machine has not replaced the mammal And everything is done by camel. I hope I’ll never learn what flesh I ate that day in Marrakesh, But after struggling with a jawful I thought it tasted humpthing awful.
When George Bernard Shaw visited New Zealand a reporter asked him his impression of the place and, after a pause, Shaw is said to have replied: “Altogether too many sheep.
On Hawaii: The loveliest fleet of islands that lies anchored in any ocean.
Hong Kong in a nutshell-a completely foreign city that’s utterly comprehensible. It’s a modern place, deaf to charm, dumb in the language of aesthetics, caught up in a wild, romantic passion for the plain utilitarian. The only traditional touches are the catawampus walls and whichaway entrances dictated by feng shui, the art of placing things […]
I have done Thebes somewhat hurriedly, it is true, but I have gone over it. Travellers no doubt, may wish to purchase mummies and other souvenirs here. If they but express a wish to buy, mummies by the wholesale, whole mummies, heads of mummies, hands, feet, limbs and trunks of mummies; human, animal, and bird […]