Perfect Quotes

Trifles make perfection, and perfection is no trifle.

I am a woman of the world, Hector; and I can assure you that if you will only take the trouble always to do the perfectly correct thing, and to say the perfectly correct thing, you can do just what you like.

There is a crack in everything God has made.

Perfection cannot be defined or seen; it can only be found in your heart.

One that desires to excel should endeavor in those things that are in themselves most excellent.

Perfection does not exist. To understand this is the triumph of human intelligence; to expect to possess it is the most dangerous kind of madness.

If you’re looking for perfection, look in the mirror. If you find it there, expect it elsewhere.

I cannot say that James Thurber’s work has progressed. No more than I could say that the new moon is more exquisite than the last one. I will not be so illiterate as to expand the perfect into the more perfect.

The very pink of perfection.

Perfect clarity would profit the intellect but damage the will.