People Quotes

The people is a beast of muddy brain That knows not its own strength.

I shall on all subjects have policy to recommend, but none to enforce against the will of the people.

I’m pretty good with people on an individual basis, but in groups, I really can’t stand the bastards!

All the disconnected people I know are trying to be something they are not, to do something they cannot do.

People are okay taken two or three at a time. Beyond that number they tend to choose up sides and wear armbands.

The odds are against getting even with people because the odds are they’ll get even with you.

The public! How many fools does it take to make a public?

Your people, sir, is nothing but a great beast.

I am a child of the House of Commons. I was brought up in my father’s house to believe in democracy. “Trust the people” – that was his message.

People could make the world a nice place to live… if there weren’t so goddamn many of them.