Patriotism Quotes

We must have a citizenship less concerned about what the government can do for it and more anxious about what it can do for the nation.

Nationalism is our form of incest, is our idolatry, is our insanity. ‘Patriotism’ is its cult. It should hardly be necessary to say, that by ‘patriotism’ I mean that attitude which puts the own nation above humanity, above the principles of truth and justice; not the loving interest in one’s own nation, which is the […]

God grant, that not only the Love of Liberty, but a thorough Knowledge of the Rights of Man, may pervade all the Nations of the Earth, so that a Philosopher may set his Foot anywhere on its Surface, and say, “This is my Country.”

Patriotic societies seem to think that the way to educate school children in a democracy is to stage bigger and better flag-saluting.

“The American nation in the Sixth Ward is a fine people,” he says, “They love th’ eagle,” he says, “on the back iv a dollar.”

To criticise one’s country is to do it a service. Criticism, in short, is more than a right; it is an act of patriotism – a higher form of patriotism, I believe than the familiar rituals and national adulation.

A politician will do anything to keep his job – even become a patriot.

Never was patriot yet, but was a fool.

Gradually but unmistakably, America is showing signs of that arrogance of power which has afflicted, weakened, and in some cases destroyed great nations in the past. In so doing, we are not living up to our capacity and promise as a civilized example for the world. The measure of our falling short is the measure […]

They wrote in the old days that it is sweet and fitting to die for one’s country. But in modern war there is nothing sweet nor fitting in your dying. You will die like a dog for no good reason.