Patience Quotes

The impatience of the old is the worst impatience of all.

Patience is one of those feminine qualities which have their origin in our oppression but should be preserved after our liberation.

With love and patience, nothing is impossible.

Genius is eternal patience.

He preacheth patience that never knew pain.

Not every one of our desires can be immediately gratified. We’ve got to learn to wait patiently for our dreams to come true, especially on the path we’ve chosen. But while we wait, we need to prepare symbolically a place for our hopes and dreams.

Genius is nothing but a greater aptitude for patience.

Our patience will achieve more than our force.

It is not necessary for all men to be great in action. The greatest and sublimest power is often simple patience.

I believe I was impatient with unintelligent people from the moment I was born: a tragedy – for I am myself three parts a fool. (Beatrice Stella Tanner)