Most people seem, to me, to have a filter on their empathy. They can feel the pain of others, but it comes through a few feet of wool; it is muted so as to not be unbearable.
Others Quotes
A fly, Sir, may sting a stately horse, and make him wince; but one is but an insect, and the other is a horse still.
We are not at peace with others because we are not at peace with ourselves, and we are not at peace with ourselves because we are not at peace with God.
Be wiser than other people if you can; but do not tell them so.
The apparent insufficiency of every individual to his own happiness or safety compels us to seek from one another assistance and support. The necessity of joint efforts for the execution of any great or extensive design, the variety of powers disseminated in the species, and the proportion between the defects and excellences of different persons […]
You probably wouldn’t worry about what people think of you if you could know how seldom they do.
In all societies, it is advisable to associate if possible with the highest; not that the highest are always the best, but because, if disgusted there, we can descend at any time; but if we begin with the lowest, to ascend is impossible.
The truth is, that no man is much regarded by the rest of the world. He that considers how little he dwells upon the condition of others will learn how little the attention of others is attracted by himself. While we see multitudes passing before us, of whom perhaps not one appears to deserve our […]
The price of seeking to force our beliefs on others is that someday they might force their beliefs on us.
Seeing ourselves as others see us would probably confirm our worst suspicions about them.