Original Quotes

It is a matter of perfect indifference where a thing originated ; the only question is; “Is it true in and for itself?”

Many a man fails as an original thinker simply because his memory is too good.

Don’t worry about people stealing an idea. If it’s original, you will have to ram it down their throats.

Originality is simply a pair of fresh eyes.

Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it.

No bird has ever uttered note That was not in some first bird’s throat; Since Eden’s freshness and man’s fall No rose has been original.

When people are free to do as they please, they usually imitate each other. Originality is deliberate and forced, and partakes of the nature of a protest.

Utter originality is, of course, out of the question.

Originality is unexplored territory. You get there by carrying a canoe – you can’t take a taxi.

A thought is often original, though you have uttered it a hundred times. It has come to you over a new route, by a new and express train of associations.