America is the only country in the world that’s still in the business of making bombs that can end the world and TV shows that make it seem like a good idea.
Nuclear Quotes
The scientists split the atom; now the atom is splitting us.
Stimson, what was gunpowder? Trivial. What was electricity? Meaningless. This atomic bomb is the Second Coming in Wrath.
Atomic energy might be as good as our present day explosives, but is unlikely to produce anything very much more dangerous. (1939)
If you go on with this nuclear arms race, all you are going to do is make the rubble bounce.
Splitting the atom has changed everything but our thinking. We are drifting toward never-before-seen disaster.
I do not believe that civilization will be wiped out in a war fought with the atomic bomb. Perhaps two thirds of the people of the earth might be killed, but enough men capable of thinking, and enough books, would be left to start again, and civilization could be restored.
The discovery of nuclear chain reactions need not bring about the destruction of mankind any more than did the discovery of matches. We only must do everything in our power to safeguard against its abuse. Only a supranational organization, equipped with a sufficiently strong executive power, can protect us.
A poet can write about a man slaying a dragon, but not about a man pushing a button that releases a bomb.
There is not the slightest indication that (nuclear) energy will ever be obtainable.