New York Quotes

New York – that unnatural city where every one is an exile, none more so than the American.

New York looks as ever: stiff, machine-made, and against nature. It is so mechanical there is not the sense of death.

One man prefers the Republic because it pays better than Bulgaria. Another because it has laws to keep him sober and his daughter chaste. Another because the Woolworth Building is higher than the cathedral at Chartres. Another because, living here, he can read the New York Evening Journal. Another because there is a warrant out […]

Now folks, all I know is what little news I read every day in the papers. I see where another wife, out on Long Island, here in New York, shot her husband. Season’s opened a month earlier this year. Never a day passes in New York without some innocent bystander being shot. You just stand […]

It is as if all American appliances dreamed of being cars while all French appliances dreamed of being telephones. (the difference between New York and Paris)

A hundred times have I thought New York is a catastrophe and fifty times: It is a beautiful catastrophe.

Every great wave of popular passion that rolls up on the prairies is dashed to spray when it strikes the hard rocks of Manhattan.

It is an ugly city, a dirty city. Its climate is a scandal. Its politics are used to frighten children. Its traffic is madness. Its competition is murderous. But there is one thing about it – once you have lived in New York and it has become your home, no other place is good enough.

New York, New York: a hell of a town. The Bronx is up and the battery’s down. The people ride in a hole in the ground. New York, New York – it’s a hell of a town!

When you leave New York, you are astonished at how clean the rest of the world is. Clean is not enough.