Nature Quotes

Nature magically suits a man to his fortunes, by making them the fruit of his character.

The unnatural, that too is natural.

Art does not lie in copying nature. Nature furnishes the material by means of which to express a beauty still unexpressed in nature. The Artist beholds in nature more than she herself is conscious of.

Out from the heart of Nature rolled The burdens of the Bible old.

Nature! We are enveloped and embraced by her, incapable of emerging from her and incapable of entering her more deeply. Unbidden and unwarned, she receives us into the circuits of her dance, drifting onward with us herself, until we grow tired and drop from her arms.

Nature is a mutable cloud which is always and never the same.

It is the law of nature that woman should be held under the dominance of man

Nature has never read the Declaration of Independence. It continues to make us unequal.

We are taught by great actions that the universe is the property of every individual in it. Every rational creature has all nature for his dowry and estate.

Nature, to each allots his proper Sphere, But, that forsaken, we like Comets err: Toss’d thro’ the Void, by some rude Shock we’re broke, And all our boasted Fire is lost in Smoke.