Nation Quotes

May our nation continue to be the beakon of hope to the world. (from a 1989 Christmas card)

Some day, following the example of the United States of America, there will be a United States of Europe.

A nation is a society united by delusions about its ancestry and by common hatred of its neighbors.

To have common glories in the past, a common will in the present; to have done great things together; to wish to do greater; these are the essential conditions which make up a people.

No nation is fit to sit in judgment upon any other nation.

It is not enough to limit your love to your own nation, to your own group. You must respond with love even to those outside of it… This concept enables people to live together not as nations, but as the human race.

A nation is a group of people united by a mistaken view about the past and a hatred of their neighbors.

There is such a thing as a nation being so right that it it does not need to convince others by force that it is right.

A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces but also by the men it honors, by the men it remembers.

A nation, like a person, has a mind – a mind that must be kept informed and alert, that must know itself, that understands the hopes and needs of its neighbors – all the other nations that live within the narrowing circle of the world.