Names Quotes

Two names are easier to remember. If you call me by my first name Jonas and I don’t hear you, then when you call me by my second name Jonas maybe I will.

And there are good and great men, no doubt, who put an initial for their first name, but the awful majority of men who do that, will lie, and swindle, and steal, just from a natural instinct.

‘It can’t be anybody else!’ she said to herself. ‘ I’m as certain of it, as if his name were written all over his face.’

Nicknames stick to people, and the most ridiculous are the most adhesive.

The other day I was at a Barbie about 40 degrees Celsius in the shade, and I saw a bit of a Casanova mesmerizing a Marxist. Unluckily the post-Keynesian Maoist had Victorian values, and had also Mama Cassed herself with some Earl Grey tea and a pasteurized pavlova sandwich, and was in need of the […]

A nickname is the hardest stone that the devil can throw at a man.

How dreary to be somebody! How public, like a frog To tell your name the livelong day To an admiring bog!

I make it a practice to avoid hating anyone. If someone’s been guilty of despicable actions, especially toward me, I try to forget him. I used to follow a practice – somewhat contrived, I admit – to write the man’s name on a piece of scrap paper, drop it into the lowest drawer of my […]

I am ashamed to think how easily we capitulate to badges and names, to large societies and dead institutions.

He with holds his name. At the hotel, he is hardly willing to whisper it to the clerk at the book-office. If he gives you his private address on a card it is like an avowal of friendship; and his bearing, on being introduced, is cold, even though he is seeking your acquaintance, and is […]