Movies Quotes

I never thought I’d be on Broadway. I certainly didn’t think I would be in a movie, let alone win six Emmy Awards for being on television. I never imagined any of that and I just loved acting.

The reason I became a comedian was that I loved people laughing at my jokes. To actually hear laughter is a rare thing for me. When I do the movies, I think it is funny, but I have to wait three months to hear an audience laugh.

I’m the only human being in most of ‘Planet of the Apes.’

A long time ago, I learned to I let go of expectations —  whether the studio will stand behind it, or whether the music will ruin it, or whether it will open in the middle of Hurricane Sandy — there are so many different ways for a film not to be appreciated.

It’s funny, I don’t daydream about the movie business at all.

I have been devoured all my life by an incurable and burning impatience: and to this day find all oratory, biography, operas, films, plays, books, and persons too long.

I am poppa to no male nor no female child dat no court could prove udderwise, and certainly, nothin’ likes a skinnypated, sissipated runt like you. Children! Children! Kids! Eugggh! Children! Give ’em everything they want, and waddaya gets in return? Nuthin. Nuthin! Nuthin! but heartache, heartache, sadness, and misery, and a bad time once […]