Movies Quotes

Being the “Halloween” guy gave me a career in movies. And even now I’m working on the new “Halloween” movies that are being released by David Gordon Green.

“The Thing” is a film about an alien — but it can be read as a metaphor for this pandemic, this disease. The appearance of normalcy is all-important for the creature. It wants to imitate perfectly, so no one can tell who’s sick and who’s not. Ultimately, the whole movie is about trust: Can you […]

I can’t evaluate my own movies. I can’t even watch my own movies. I hate talking about them.

I should have been in “Ghostbusters.”

Any film set in the past or the future, it’s bound to have some sort of allegory.

It takes hundreds of human hours to make a frame of those films. I worked on “Toy Story 4” for 4.5 years. The Pixar folks have been on it way longer than that. But you’re always in the best hands, and the proof is in that pudding.

The movies from the first half of my career keep being shown as evergreen, from “Stripes” and “Animal House” to “Ghostbusters.” All of them got mediocre reviews. They all sort of got that two star thing. Now they’re all looked at as four star movies!

When I was 15 years old, I had this little book with all the movies that I’d seen and all kinds of memorabilia that I’d collected at that point.

Because of my classical training there is a conflict at times whether I do something even slightly commercial, or popular. The attitude is that if it’s successful, there must be something wrong with it, like TV—it’s cheap. If it bombs I’ll know it’s good—really warped thinking.

Great costumes, especially in a period piece, shouldn’t take over but instead help strengthen the actors’ performances.