Love Quotes

Be worthy love, and love will come.

Falling madly in love and getting married would be the most horrific thing that could happen.

The profession of acting, the basic art of acting, is a monstrous thing because it does with the same flesh-and-blood muscles with which you perform ordinary deeds, real deeds. The body with which you make real love is the same body with which you make fictitious love with someone you don’t like. In no other […]

If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love somebody else?

Love without attachment is the only way you can stay safe and not get angry or hurt…Love’s a terrible drug.

I believe in love. That’s why hopefully there will be just one more wedding for me. Fourth time’s the charm!

What can I say at seventy-five? Thank God for my good life, and for all the love that has been given to me.

Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmastime.

To be able to have someone to go to that you trust, that you know has got your back, to have that in life is so precious, it’s a blessing.

We were poor but we had love; That’s the one thing that daddy made sure of.