Insults Quotes

He knows nothing and thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career.

I fired (General Douglas) MacArthur because he wouldn’t respect the authority of the President. That’s the answer to that. I didn’t fire him because he was a dumb son of a bitch, although he was, but that’s not against the law for generals. If it was, half to three quarters of them would be in […]

Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.

You remind me of the lobster who is delighted by the warm feeling of the water he has just found himself thrown into.

I am going from bad to Hearst.

With deep regret I have concluded that General of the Army Douglas MacArthur is unable to give his wholehearted support to the policies of the United States Government and of the United Nations in matters pertaining to his official duties. In view of the specific responsibilities imposed upon me by the Constitution of the United […]

He has Van Gogh’s ear for music.

I wish I’d known you when you were alive.

I’ve had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn’t it.

A cherub’s face, a reptile all the rest.