Information Quotes

One of the most interesting aspects of power in relation to increasing flows of information might be called the “paradox of plenty”… As Herbert Simon has pointed out, a plenitude of information leads to a poverty of attention. Attention becomes the scarce resource and those who can distinguish valuable signal from white noise gain power. […]

Information is just signs and numbers, while knowledge involves their meaning. What we want is knowledge, but what we get is information.

We must become much more efficient and more clever in the ways we find new sources of data, mine information from the new and old, generate information, make it available for analysis, convert it to knowledge, and create actionable options. We must also break down the stovepipes – at least punch holes in them. By […]

Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It seeps through the walls topped by barbed wire, it wafts across the electrified borders.

Information can’t be put in any container that isn’t leaky.

Hear one side and you will be in the dark; hear both sides, and all will be clear.

Trying to control information in the network age is about as successful as pissing into the wind.

The expression of consent by the majority is not free if it is deprived of access to sources of information, if it can read only the official interpretation, if it can hear only one voice in the classroom, pulpit, and radio.

If one is kept ignorant of alternatives, denied access to information, deprived of the opportunity to influence and be influenced by the opinions of others, consent is not free.

I find that a great part of the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way.