Be it true or false, what is said about men often has as much influence upon their lives, and especially upon their destinies, as what they do.
Influence Quotes
We perceive and are affected by changes too subtle to be described.
Do not be influenced by the importance of the writer, and whether his learning be great or small, but let the love of pure truth draw you to read. Do not inquire, “Who said this?” but pay attention to what is said.
Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence in society.
We are working for the future. We are not concerned with the seeming victory of the moment but with the final triumph. With us the question is not what influence we can exert now but what power we can exercise 50 years hence, not how few men we have today but how many will arise […]
Churches do not stand for moral influence. Not a Christian minister preaches salvation by good behavior. What a poor business Roman Catholicism would do among men if it advertised to save only those who were temperate, upright, intelligent and moral.
The wish to spread those opinions that we hold conducive to our own welfare is so deeply rooted in the English character that few of us can escape its influence.
The very man who has argued you down, will sometimes be found, years later, to have been influenced by what you said.
Influence is like a savings account. The less you use it, the more you’ve got it.
All men, even the most surly are influenced by affection