Individual - Individuality Quotes

Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting in a particular way.

We all are worms, but I do believe I am a glowworm.

The universal does not attract us until housed in an individual.

Resolve to be thyself and know that he who finds himself loves his misery.

We need to recognize that our individual abilities are only one small factor in our personal success. Instead of thinking of ourselves as successful individuals, we should think, “I work hard, and I’m lucky.” Some of us are privileged – largely thanks to God’s grace.

We fancy men are individuals; so are pumpkins; but every pumpkin in the field goes through every point of pumpkin history.

Large corporations welcome innovation and individualism in the same way the dinosaurs welcomed large meteors. (“Dilbert”)

In fact, companies are borrowing more techniques from cults every day. For example, cults try to separate you from the rest of society. Companies make you work so many hours that you never see the rest of society. Cults tell you to wear dorky outfits. Companies tell you to wear dorky outfits too, except on […]

The four cornerstones of character on which the structure of this nation was built are: Initiative, Imagination, Individuality and Independence.