There is a close relationship between the “ha-ha” of humor and the “aha!” of discovery.
Humor Quotes
Humor reminds us of our fragility, our earthiness, our dustiness, our propensity to mess things up even when we have the best of intentions, our powerlessness apart from God.
Humor does not diminish the pain – it makes the space around it get bigger.
We respect a person with a sense of humor because a sense of humor means you are in control of a situation.
The world is a perpetual caricature of itself; at every moment it nevertheless intends all the time to be something different and highly dignified, at the next moment it corrects and checks and tries to cover up the absurd thing it was; so that a conventional world, a world of masks, is superimposed on the […]
A jest often decides matters of importance more effectually and happily than seriousness.
The teller of a mirthful tale has latitude allowed him. We are content with less than absolute truth.
I had thought, on starting this composition, that I should define what humor means to me. However, every time I tried to, I had to go and lie down with a cold wet cloth on my head.
I realize that humor isn’t for everyone. It’s only for people who want to have fun, enjoy life, and feel alive.
Humor is laughing at what you haven’t got when you ought to have it.