Human - Humanity Quotes

The tragedy, the true catastrophe, is that humanity continues.

Such is the human race, often seems a pity that Noah… didn’t miss the boat.

It’s the Age of the Apocalypse, for no-one any longer can say whether Humanity will survive. The world’s leading scientists in the relevant fields seem agreed about this: We’ve created for ourselves a set of crises which may prove impossible to contain. Repeatedly, we attack dysfunctions in our social organizations while the symptoms continue to […]

The so-called human race.

If you want to see something done, just tell some human beings it can’t be done. Make it known that it’s impossible to fly to the moon, or run a hundred meters in nine-point-nine seconds, or solve Fermat’s Last Theorem. Remind the world that no one has ever hit sixty-two home runs in a season. […]

I often wonder why any very atrociously cruel conduct is called inhuman; it seems to me that sort of thing is about as human as anything one can think of.

Imagine a number of men in chains, all under sentence of death, some of whom are each day butchered in the sight of the others; those remaining see their own condition in that of their fellows, and looking at each other with grief and despair await their turn. This is an image of the human […]

Human life must be some form of mistake.

Thus do we poor humans attain our ends, striving through carnage and destruction to bring lasting peace and happiness upon the earth.

A scientific mentality capable of giving shape to a new realm of tangible, commonly shaped experience, would have to go beyond anything called by its name today. It would have to encompass mind, growth, language, history, and produce social concepts that have meaning for a humanity that inhabits the whole earth are reaches for the […]