If I had a large amount of money I should found a hospital for those whose grip upon the world is so tenuous that they can be severely offended by words and phrases yet remain all unoffended by the injustice, violence and oppression that howls daily about our ears.
Hospitals Quotes
A hospital is no place to be sick.
Hospitals, like airports and supermarkets, only pretend to be open nights and weekends.
The ultimate indignity is to be given a bedpan by a stranger who calls you by your first name.
A hospital bed is a parked taxi with the meter running.
Looking out of a hospital window is different from looking out of any other. Somehow you do not see outside.
Hospitals are only an intermediate stage of civilization.
A hospital should also have a recovery room adjoining the cashier’s office.
Do not believe that any man will become a physician unless he walks the hospitals. And I am sure that no one will become a minister or a comforter unless he lies in the hospital as well as walks through it, and has to suffer himself.
We achieve “active” mastery over illness and death by delegating all responsibility for their management to physicians, and by exiling the sick and the dying to hospitals. But hospitals serve the convenience of staff not patients: we cannot be properly ill in a hospital, nor die in one decently; we can do so only among […]