Hope Quotes

Oh Infinite Star Giver, I now ask for wisdom and courage to follow these stars for their names are many and my heart is fearful… They shine on me wherever I go: The Star of Hope, The Star of Mercy and Compassion, The Star of Justice and Peace, The Star of Tenderness and Love, The […]

When complaining becomes a crime, hope becomes despair.

Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us.

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

Hope is knowing that people, like kites, are made to be lifted up.

Fear cannot be without hope nor hope without fear.

It is amazing that our souls – our eternal essences, with all their hopes and dreams and visions of an eternal world – are contained within these temporal bodies. No wonder suffering is part of the human condition.

There is hope for any man who can look in a mirror and laugh at what he sees.

Hope is a very unruly emotion.

The food of hope Is mediated action; robbed of this Her sole support, she languishes and dies. We perish also; for we live by hope And by desire; we see by the glad light, And breathe the sweet air of futurity, And so we live, or else we have no life.