Hope is a talent like any other.
Hope Quotes
Hope is always available to us. When we feel defeated, we need only take a deep breath and say, “Yes,” and hope will reappear.
Hope is a state of mind, not of the world. Hope, in this deep and powerful sense, is not the same as joy that things are going well, or willingness to invest in enterprises that are obviously heading for success, but rather an ability to work for something because it is good.
All industry must be excited by hope.
He that lives upon Hope, dies fasting.
“Pray, who are you, beautiful creature?” inquired Pandora. “I am to be called Hope!” answered the sunshiny figure. “And because I am such a cheery little body, I was packed into the box, to make amends to the human race for that swarm of ugly Troubles, which was destined to be let loose among them. […]
Hope is always liberal, and they that trust her promises make little scruple of revelling today on the profits of the morrow.
Delusion, n. The father of a most respectable family, comprising Enthusiasm, Affection, Self-denial, Faith, Hope, Charity and many other goodly sons and daughters.
I’ve just learned about his illness. Let’s hope it’s nothing trivial.
In despair there are the most intense enjoyments, especially when one is very acutely conscious of the hopelessness of one’s position.