Hope Quotes

Hope is slowly extinguished and quickly revived.

It’s always hard to see hope with a hangover.

The social objective… is to do what any honest government of any country would do: to try to increase the security and the happiness of a larger number of people in all occupations of life and in all parts of the country; to give them more of the good things of life, to give them […]

Lovers, poets, religious madmen, and anglers seem to me to have this in common – they live for impassioned anticipation of an uncertain thing.

Take hope from the heart of man, and you make him a beast of prey.

I rejoice in the hope of that glory to be revealed, for it is no uncertain glory that we look for. Our hope is not hung upon such an untwisted thread as, “I imagine so,” or “It is likely,” but the cable, the strong tow of our fastened anchor, is the oath and promise of […]

Despair in vain sits brooding over the putrid eggs of hope.

No matter how tough things are, Man copes. He comes up with adequate answers from illogical reasons. But the answers work. Last to come out of Pandora’s Box was a gleaming, beautiful thing – Eternal Hope.

Hope is… very fallacious, and promises what it seldom gives; but its promises are more valuable than the gifts of fortune, and it seldom frustrates us without assuring us of recompensing the delay of greater bounty.

To hope means to be ready at every moment for that which is not yet born, and yet not become desperate if there is no birth in our lifetime.