As a mother, I know that homosexuals cannot biologically reproduce children; therefore, they must recruit our children.
Homosexuality Quotes
We surely love their souls, but we must awaken to their wicked agenda for America!
With 80,000 dead of AIDS, our promiscuous homosexuals appear literally hell-bent on Satanism and suicide.
But these things speak evil of those things, verse 10 (reading from Jude) which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves. Look at the Metropolitan Community Church today, the gay church, almost accepted into the World Council of Churches. Almost, the vote was against them. […]
Socrates was a man. Socrates was homosexual. Therefore, all men are Socrates.
Same-sex families pose no threat to this country or to other couples. The threat to families is a proposed amendment, which would write discrimination into the Constitution for the first time ever.
Consider the Americans who have rained nothing but glory on our nation. Think about the magnificent works of Walt Whitman, James Baldwin and Hart Crane. They’re just a handful of writers who shaped the American vision and yet could not achieve full citizenship because they were homosexual. How many wedding parties have walked down the […]
Though I believe it sinful to be queer, it has at least saved me from becoming a pillar of the establishment.
Our official policies and resolutions as Anglicans commit us to listening to the experience of homosexuals and recognising that they are full and welcome members of the Church, loved by God. Not everyone, it seems, takes equally seriously this element in the teaching of the Anglican Church; and some letters that came from non-believers suggest […]
Gay men and straight men have been sharing dormitory, showers, health clubs for a long time. We don’t have ourselves dry cleaned.