He lay sprawled, too wicked to move, spewed up like a broken spider crab on the tarry shingle of the morning. The light did him harm, but not as much as looking at things did; he resolved, having done it once, never to move his eyeballs again. A dusty thudding in his head made the […]
Drink - Drinking - Drunk Quotes
A good gulp of hot whiskey at bedtime – it’s not very scientific but it helps.
The are two things I don’t like. To see women drinking hard liquor and to see them standing at bars without escorts. Women should drink port with lemon. Oh, after you’ve been riding or something like that, you can have something stronger. But in general, no.
Drink to-day, and drown all sorrow; You shall perhaps not do ‘t to-morrow.
Be always drunken – With wine, with poetry or with virtue – as you will, but be always drunken!
I am a drinker with writing problems.
When I got into the street I grew very drunk and miserably sick, so that I had to stop in many closes in my way home, and when I got home I was shockingly affected, being so furious that I took up the chairs in the dining-room and threw them about and broke some of […]
When I played drunks I had to remain sober because I didn’t know how to play them when I was drunk.
That whole TGIF thing was cute for about an hour, and that was 65 years ago when someone first said it on the radio. Not cute anymore, time to start bombing these locations. TGI Fridays, if I had a place like that you know what I would call it? HSIOW, Holy Shit It’s Only Wednesday. […]
Churchill, whose fondness for drink was well known, was scheduled to make a speech before a small gathering. The chair introduced him by saying: “If all the spirits consumed by Sir Winston were poured into this room, it would reach up to here on the wall.” He drew a line with his finger at about […]