Contrary to what we usually believe… the best moments in our lives, are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times – although such experiences can also be enjoyable, if we have worked hard to attain them. The best moments usually occur when a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort […]
Difficult- Difficulty Quotes
Not everything that is more difficult is more meritorious.
Depressions may bring people closer to the church but so do funerals.
Every problem has a gift for you in its hands.
Ride on! Rough-shod if need be, smooth-shod if that will do, but ride on! Ride on over all obstacles, and win the race!
All rising to a great place is by a winding stair.
Affliction comes to us, not to make us sad but sober; not to make us sorry but wise.
There are two ways of meeting difficulties. You alter the difficulties or you alter yourself to meet them.
Education makes people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern but impossible to enslave.
Sweat is the cologne of accomplishment.