Devil Quotes

The Devil is easy to identify. He appears when you’re tired and makes a very reasonable request which you know you shouldn’t grant.

Two devils rose from the water, and flew off through the air, crying, ‘Oh, oh, oh!’ and turning one over another, in sportive mockery.

You must hate a Frenchman as you do the devil.

Every man has his devilish moments.

The Devil fears the word of God, He can’t bite it; it breaks his teeth.

My dear brothers, never forget when you hear the progress of the Enlightenment praised, that the devil’s cleverest ploy is to persuade you he doesn’t exist.

Satan fell by force of gravity.

Billy Graham is the chief servant of Satan.

It is of course always best to be led by god, and have him personally whisper into your ear. Only, when it is the devil talking he will tell you he is god, for the devil is a crafty liar. So you never know who is talking to you.

Of course I believe in the devil. If I did not, I should have to believe that I am the devil myself.