If you desire many things, many things will seem but a few.
Desire Quotes
It is the nature of desire not to be satisfied, and most men live only for the gratification of it. The beginning of reform is not so much to equalize property as to train the noble sorts of natures not to desire more, and the prevent the lower from getting more.
Modern man lives under the illusion that he knows what he wants, while he actually wants what he is supposed to want.
Those who restrain desire, do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained.
He who desires, but acts not, breeds pestilence.
Better murder an infant in its cradle than nurse an unacted desire
He who desires but acts not, breeds pestilence.
We trifle when we assign limits to our desires, since nature hath set none.
Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp – or what’s a heaven for?
We grow weary of those things (and perhaps soonest) which we most desire.