Debt Quotes

He who promises runs in debt.

Eat vegetables and fear no creditors, rather than eat duck and hide.

Jack ran so long and ran so fast, No wonder he ran out at last; He ran in debt – and then to pay, He distanced all, and ran away.

He who wants Lent to seem short should contract a debt to be repaid at Easter.

I have discovered the philosophers stone, that turns everything into gold: it is, “Pay as you go.”

Debts are like children: the smaller they are the more noise they make.

Forgetfulness, n.: A gift of God bestowed upon debtors in compensation for their destitution of conscience.

Interest on debts grow without rain.

The moment you make a man feel the weight of obligation, he will become your enemy.

Don’t hurry so fast to get rich that you do harm. Don’t put up your goods to back someone else’s loans. Why should your bed be carted off for someone else’s bad debt? (Proverbs)