In a controversy, the instant we feel anger, we have already ceased striving for truth and have begun striving for ourselves.
Controversy Quotes
A civilization in which there is not a continuous controversy about important issues is on the way to totalitarianism and death.
It is indeed the fate of controvertists, even when they contend for philosophical or theological truth, to be soon laid aside and slighted. Either the question is decided, and there is no more place for doubt and opposition; or mankind despair of understanding it, and grow weary of disturbance, content themselves with quiet ignorance, and […]
Controvertists cannot long retain their kindness for each other.
Controversies merely speculative are of small importance in themselves, however they may have sometimes heated a disputant, or provoked a faction.
It is common for controversists, in the heat of disputation, to add one position to another till they reach the extremities of knowledge, where truth and falsehood lose their distinction.
Half the controversies in the world are verbal ones; and could they be brought to a plain issue they would be brought to a prompt termination. Parties engaged in them would then perceive either that in substance they agreed together, or that their difference was one of first principles. We need not dispute, we need […]
When our leaders speak, the thinking had been done. When they propose a plan – it is God’s plan. When they point the way, there is no other which is safe. When they give direction, it should mark the end of controversy.
In such Controversies, it is but too common for some to say, “Both are to blame,” to “excuse – their own “Unconcernedness,” which is a “base Neutrality.” Others will cry, “They are both alike;” thereby involving the Injured with the Guilty, to “mince” the Matter for the Faulty, or cover their own Injustice to the […]
No great advance has ever been made in science, politics, or religion, without controversy.