Conservation Quotes

We seem ultimately always thrown back on individual ethics as the basis of conservation policy. It is hard to make a man, by pressure of law or money, do a thing which does not spring naturally from his own personal sense of right and wrong.

We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.

The conservation movement is a breeding ground of Communists and other subversives. We intend to clean them out even if it means rounding up every bird-watcher in the country.

Conservation is humanity caring for the future.

World-wide practice of Conservation and the fair and continued access by all nations to the resources they need are the two indispensable foundations of continuous plenty and of permanent peace.

Conservation means the wise use of the earth and its resources for the lasting good of men.

Conservation and rural-life policies are really two sides of the same policy; and down at bottom this policy rests upon the fundamental law that neither man nor nation can prosper unless, in dealing with the present, thought is steadily taken for the future.

The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired, in value.

As soils are depleted, human health, vitality and intelligence go with them.

Conserving our natural resources does not mean using them up less quickly. We can re-learn conservation by reading the earth, observing that in Nature, nothing is wasted, and everything is made ready for the next user.