I turned to Brecht and asked him why, if he felt the way he did about Jerome and the other American Communists, he kept on collaborating with them, particulary in view of their apparent approval or indifference to what was happening in the Soviet Union… Brecht shrugged his shoulders and kept on making invidious remarks […]
Communism Quotes
Communist, n. A person who adheres to the economic and political theories of Karl Marx and V. I. Lenin. No member of the U.S. media knows any such person, nor ever has. Probably no such person ever existed. If such a person did exist, he or she was undoubtedly full of good intentions, though perhaps […]
There are some individuals of whom it would not be unjust to or even unkind to say that they had outlived themselves… We all know men and women who have become so transformed by age and experience that they no longer exhibit those distinctive traits of thought, feeling, and character that have defined their personality […]
The argument, now, is about whether Bolshevik Russia was, ‘better’ than Nazi Germany. In the days when the New Left dawned, the, argument was about whether Bolshevik Russia was better than America.
One thing about Ronald Reagan that struck me time and again was his obvious, visceral loathing of communism. For him it wasn’t just a difference of opinion about economics or governance: he saw through the whole thing to its essentially anti-human nature. And this was at a time, we all too easily forget, when plenty […]
The greatest risk is communist aggression, communist conquest, and communist advance.
Fred Cook, writes that a friend of his, a journalist who was once a close friend of McCarthy, asked on one occasion, “Joe, just what did you have in your hand down there in Wheeling?” McCarthy grinned, the friend said, and replied, “An old laundry list.” (McCarthy claimed in his in famous speech in Wheeling […]
The Communist revolution, conducted in the name of doing away with classes, has resulted in the most complete authority of any single new class. Everything else is a sham and illusion.
Communism cannot work because of the inherent greed and selfishness in human nature. Jesus also tried to do something about that. They nailed him to a tree for it.
The world would not be in such a snarl, if Marx had been Groucho instead of Karl.