People are very much wrought up about the Communist bugaboo.
Communism Quotes
Practically no one is a ‘communist’ today. What happened? Fundamental attitudes don’t disappear into thin air. People might die, but ideas rarely do, especially when the idea is one of only two major strains of political thought that excite the people, dominate the minds, and determine the affairs of man for centuries. It must count […]
Marxism is the opium of the intellectuals.
The central drama of our age is how the Western nations and the Asian peoples are to find a tolerable basis of co-existence.
Marxism is a perfect example of the chimeras that fueled the sixties. And it was probably the most potent one. Albeit, much of this Marxism would have been unrecognizable to Marx. It was Marxism watered down, Marxism spiked with LSD and Marxism adulterated with mystical food coloring. But it was Marxism nonetheless because the wildest […]
Das Kapital is the book of a man who took no part in normal German or English society, and wrote of Capitalists and Workmen like a Class War Correspondent and not like a fellow creature.
Communism means barbarism, but Socialism means, or wishes to mean, cooperation and community of interests, sympathy, the giving to the hands… a larger share than hitherto in the wealth they must combine to produce – means, in short, the practical application of Christianity to life.
The history of the past seven years has made it perfectly clear that Communism has no chance in western Europe. The appeal of Fascism is enormously greater. In one country after another the Communists have been rooted out by their more up-to-date enemies, the Nazis. In the English-speaking countries they never had a serious footing. […]
We fight any enemy the president designates. We don’t just keep talking Communism, Communism, Communism. You might build up hate against one enemy and find yourself fighting another.
Communism has nothing to do with love. Communism is an excellent hammer which we use to destroy our enemy.