Civilization Quotes

At one time the general assumption of mankind was that “civilization” meant us, and the rest were uncivilized. This, as far as we know, was the view of the great civilizations of the past – in China, India, Greece, Rome, Persia, and the ancient Middle East. Not until a comparatively late stage did the idea […]

Has not the world today somehow got itself enslaved by this immense machine, the Industrial system? Millions of men perform labor narrowing and stultifying even under the best conditions, bound in the traces of mechanical industry, without ever a chance of self-expression, except in the hectic pleasures of suffocating life in cities. They grind their […]

The most important thing we can learn from the past is that no earlier civilization has survived. And the larger the pyramids and temples and statues they build in honor of their god or themselves, the harder has been the fall. Most of them have been so completely eradicated that it has taken archaeologists to […]

The unfit and the unneeded! The miserable and despised and forgotten, dying in the social shambles. The progeny of prostitution – of the prostitution of men and women and children, of flesh and blood, and sparkle and spirit; in brief the prostitution of labor. If this is the best that civilization can do for the […]

Our civilization is still in a middle stage, scarcely beast, in that it is no longer wholly guided by instinct; scarcely human, in that it is not yet wholly guided by reason.

To have doubted one’s own first principles, is the first mark of a civilized man.

What man calls civilization – always results in deserts.

Civilization is the order and freedom promoting cultural activity.

Taxes are what we pay for civilized society… A penalty on the other hand is intended altogether to prevent the thing punished.

We are caught up in a civilization having immense drive but no direction, marvelous capacity to get there, but no idea where it is going.