Church Quotes

The great religious historian, Eusebius, ingenuously remarks that in his history he carefully omitted whatever tended to discredit the church, and that he piously magnified all that conduced to her glory.

Greater love hath no man than to attend the Episcopal Church with his wife.

I belong to the Great Church which holds the world within its starlit aisles; that claims the great and good of every race and clime; that finds with joy the grain of gold in every creed, and floods with light and love the germs of good in every soul.

There is no heresy or no philosophy which is so abhorrent to the church as a human being.

What church is an asylum for a persecuted truth?

I believe in an America where the separation of Church and State is absolute – where no Catholic prelate would tell the President (should he be a Catholic) how to act, and no Protestant minister would tell his parishioners for whom to vote – where no church or church school is granted any public funds […]

It is a blessed thing that in every age some one has had individuality enough and courage enough to stand by his own convictions. I believe it was Magellan who said, “The church says the earth is flat; but I have seen its shadow on the moon, and I have more confidence even in a […]

The church must be reminded that it is not the master or the servant of the state, but rather the conscience of the state.

To hell with the Church when it becomes a State and the hell with the State when it becomes a Church.

That church (Catholic) teaches us that we can make God happy by being miserable ourselves.