Church Quotes

If forgers and malefactors are put to death by the secular power, there is much more reason for excommunicating and even putting to death one convicted of heresy.

Where God hath a temple, the Devil will have a chapel.

Do not allow the Church or State to govern your thought or dictate your judgment.

Every church must put its treasures into a safe-deposit box and issue common money, a common money of love, which we need so much.

I use an image of a cathedral, which I call the cathedral of the world. It has many, many windows, and we can’t even get close to exploring one apse during our lifetime. But we are born in one part of the cathedral, and our parents and grandparents and neighbors teach us the ways in […]

The divorce between church and state ought to be absolute. It ought to be absolute. It ought to be so absolute that no church property anywhere, in any state, or in any nation, should be exempt from taxation, for if you exempt the church property of any church organization, to that extent you impose tax […]

I have no objections to churches so long as they do not interfere with God’s work.

If anyone strives after humility and patience, he is a hypocrite. If he allow himself in the pleasures of this world, he is a glutton. If he seeks justice, he is impatient. If he seeks it not, he is a fool. If he would be prudent, he is stingy; if he would make others happy, […]

I would suggest the taxation of all property equally whether church or corporation.

There is no salvation outside the church.