Christmas Quotes

In Christmas feasting pray take care; Let not your table be a Snare; but with the Poor God’s Bounty share.

On Christmas day you can’t get sore, Your fellow man you must adore, There’s time to cheat him all the more The other three hundred and sixty-four.

There are two S-es in “Christmas” and they’re “both” dollar signs.

This is the irrational season When love blooms bright and wild. Had Mary been filled with reason There’d have been no room for the child.

Christmas to a child is the first terrible proof that to travel hopefully is better than to arrive.

And So This Is Christmas; And What Have We Done?; Another Year Over; A New One Just Begun; And So Happy Christmas; I Hope You Have Fun; The Near And The Dear Ones; The Old And The Young;

I sometimes think we expect too much of Christmas Day. We try to crowd into it the long arrears of kindliness and humanity of the whole year. As for me, I like to take my Christmas a little at a time, all through the year. And thus I drift along into the holidays – let […]

What in heaven’s name is the idea of everyone sending everyone else pictures of stage-coaches, fairies, foxes, dogs, butterflies, kittens, flowers, etc.?… Imagine a Chinese man sitting at a table covered with small pictures. The man explains that he is preparing for the anniversary of Buddha’s being protected by the dragons. Not that he personally […]

Every year at Christmastime a whole set of emotions sweeps over me – emotions which probably go back to my childhood. The first emotion is wondering if I’m going to get any presents. Then it changes to “Hooray, I got some presents!” Then it changes to “Is that all the presents I got?”

There is a stage in a child’s life at which it cannot separate the religious from the merely festal character of Christmas or Easter. I have been told of a very small and very devout boy who was heard murmuring to himself on Easter morning a poem of his own composition which began ‘Chocolate eggs […]