Children Quotes

Every child who has the use Of his senses knows a Goose. See them underneath the tree Gather round the goose-girl’s knee, While she reads them by the hour From the works of Scho-pen-hauer. How patiently the geese attend! But do they really comprehend What Schopenhauer’s driving at? Oh, not at all; but what of […]

We’ll get you through your children!

I got more children than I can rightly take care of, but I ain’t got more than I can love.

There wouldn’t be half as much fun in the world if it weren’t for children and men, and there ain’t a mite of difference between them under the skins.

As a child my family’s menu consisted of two choices: take it or leave it.

The race of children possesses magically sagacious powers!

Never do for a child what he is capable of doing for himself.

We find delight in the beauty and happiness of children that makes the heart too big for the body.

What greater grief can there be for mortals than to see their children dead?

Everywhere in the world, men place all or most of the burden of raising children and maintaining the home on women, but pretend that this burden is not work; they do not reward it as work or count it as work in global accounting, in either developing or industrialized countries.