Children Quotes

The sublimest song to be heard on earth is the lisping of the human soul on the lips of children.

Little people (i.e., babies) should be encouraged always to tell whatever they hear particularly striking to some brother, sister, or servant, immediately before the impression is erased by the intervention of newer occurrences.

I remember a lot of talk and a lot of laughter. I must have talked a great deal because Martha used to say again and again, “You remember you said this, you said that… ” She remembered everything I said, and all my life I’ve had the feeling that what I think and what I […]

No one keeps a secret so well as a child.

I would rather have the rod to be the general terror to all, to make them learn, than tell a child, if you do thus or thus, you will be more esteemed than your brothers or sisters. The rod produces an effect which terminates itself. A child is afraid of being whipped, and gets his […]

In our time one has to ask children and the ignorant for news of the future. The saying in the Talmud that after the destruction of the temple prophesy we have taken from the wise and given to children and fools reflect the disarray and perplexity of a time of trouble. When things become unhinged, […]

Children need love, especially when they do not deserve it.

Do not discourage your children from hoarding, if they have a taste to it; whoever lays up his penny rather than part with it for a cake, at least is not the slave of gross appetite; and shows besides a preference always to be esteemed, of the future to the present moment.

One of the most valuable habits a parent can have is that of explaining. Many parents think their children are too young to understand explanations, yet it is surprising how much a child will absorb if he is given a chance. And even if he does not understand completely, he will at least sense that […]

Through our children we… have a kind of spiritual reprieve.