Children Quotes

The common thread throughout all of my EPs is that they were mostly created at home. My very first EP was actually created in my childhood bedroom before I moved out. With that said, it felt very natural for me to be locked in my studio for hours while I was making this new EP […]

One of the things I’ve always said about corporal punishment, harsh discipline and hitting is that you don’t know what kid you’re getting. Some people will say, well, it’s no big deal, and others will be forever devastated and scarred by it.

I wish I could say everyone who’s hit as a child doesn’t hit when they’re parents, although I’m sure that it happens. I’ve definitely scared my children with my temper and have used a voice that’s not appropriate for use around children, and that’s yet another reminder of how our past does live in us. […]

I think many of us were parented the way that I was—with a lot of love and a handful of confusion.

I figured that it was idiotic to make pieces for children, because a 10-cant or 15-cent audience is unimportant in this business. So all of our work was slanted principally at an adult audience. ‘Snow White’ road-showed at prices ranging from 85 cents up, proved that parents would pay even those prices for their children’s […]

You have to appeal to the adult… the children don’t have any money!

To me, life is a pet peeve. Nothing makes sense. Do you realize that everyone has to have a brilliant child in this society? Have you ever met anybody who has a stupid kid? Or have you ever met anyone who said, “I have an ugly grandchild”? I would like just once to have a […]

I wish wearing flat-irons on our heads would keep us from growing up. But buds will be roses, and kittens, cats,—more’s the pity!

You can’t be the dad who takes your kid out after your wife has said, “No ice cream,” buys the ice cream, and says, “Don’t tell your mother.” You teach the child to lie — and to disrespect the other parent.

My father was pretty busy. I mean, I learned more about him at his funeral than I did, really, growing up.