Children Quotes

Give a little to love a child, and you get a great deal back.

Romance fails us and so do friendships, but the relationship of parent and child, less noisy than all the others, remains indelible and indestructible, the strongest relationship on earth.

Love, children, and work are the great sources of fertilizing contact between the individual and the rest of the world.

We can’t all leave a prestigious background or lots of money to visit our children, but we can leave them a legacy of love.

I can remember, at the age of five, being told that childhood was the happiest period of life (a blank lie, in those days). I wept inconsolably, wished I were dead, and wondered how I should endure the boredom of the years to come.

The childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day.

Children haven’t changed. Childhood has.

I love children, especially when they cry, for then someone takes them away.

If you bungle raising your children, I don’t think whatever else you do well matters very much.

The only bird that gives the poor a real tumble is the stork.