Character Quotes

In later life, as in earlier, only a few persons influence the formation of our character; the multitude pass us by like a distant army. One friend, one teacher, one beloved, one club, one dining table, one work table are the means by which one’s nation and the spirit of one’s nation affect the individual.

The fox changes his fur but not his habits.

I am as bad as the worst, but thank God I am as good as the best.

The four cornerstones of character on which the structure of this nation was built are: Initiative, Imagination, Individuality and Independence.

Fame is what you have taken, character is what you give; when to this truth you waken then you begin to live.

Character and personal force are the only investments worth anything.

In the last analysis, the all-important factor in national greatness is national character.

How can we ever a harvest of thought who have not had a seed time of character?

I am far from underestimating the importance of dividends; but I rank dividends below human character.

A man’s character may be learned from the adjectives which he habitually uses in conversation.